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We aim to gradually provide information on everything Northolt in Middlesex, West London

Directory of businesses and clubs

Jobs for West London

Things to do and see & hear

Local / London travel Daily & Weekend (27-28 July)

Thought / Tweet of the day

If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction (Martin Kornfeld)

Selected events for Saturday 27 July

Complete list of things to do


  9am  parkrun in Northala Fields
  5K / 3 mile run
  7.45-9.40pm  Hansard
  Timely, funny, ultimately very moving
  9am-1pm  Ealing Farmers Market
  Fresh meat, vegetables, cheese, cakes & more
  9am  parkrun in Osterley
  5K / 3 mile run

The Blue Bishops in Twickenham on Thursday 8 August

Police warning & crime prevention advice

If someone comes knocking on your door claiming to be Police, Gas, Water board -- check their ID, keep door on the chain
If in doubt, keep them out!

Any concerns or worries, phone 101 or contact the police

Local & London travel information

TFL: Transport For London
DLR: Docklands Light Railway