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Roger's Recipes

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Crawfords Butchers (020 8422 4922)

Crawfords Butchers, Oldfield Circus, Northolt39 Oldfields Circus, Northolt UB5 4RR (map)

Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 8am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm

Quick and Easy Mushroom Stroganoff

This dish is perfect for this time of year. Quick and easy to throw together, when you get home on a cold autumn evening. But want a comforting meal. This will easily feed 4

You will need

350g tagliatelle
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
400-500g Mushrooms, any type you want, mix it up a bit
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons paprika
3 tablespoons dry sherry or dry white wine
1 tablespoon tomato puree
2 teasponns Dijon mustard
squeeze of lemon juice
150ml half fat crème fraiche
2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat leaf parsley

It’s this easy

Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Add the tagliatelle and cook for as long as the packet says

Whilst the pasta cooks make the sauce

Heat the oil in a large frying pan, when hot add onions the mushrooms and fry for 5 mins over a high heat until golden brown

Add the garlic and paprika cook for 30 seconds stirring

Add the sherry, puree, mustard and lemon juice, stir and cook for about 30 seconds, stirring

Stir in the crème fraiche and cook over a gentle heat until piping hot

Salt and pepper to taste

Drain the tagliatelle and divide between four bowls. Top with the mushroom mixture and scatter over the parsley

Serve with garlic bread, or just crusty bread and butter